Sunday, July 29, 2012

Pho-king great soup.

It's PHO, Foo!


D and I made a trip to Whole Foods, with the intention of getting just a few items, but WF and all of its glory sucked us into about a million dollars worth of purchase.  When dry aged ribeye steaks are 50% off, who can resist buying seven?  There are, after all, seven people to feed tomorrow.  We also picked out a "Brewer's Picks" 12 pack by Great Divide, mostly because I spied Collette through the front of the box, and this is D's favorite beer.  So right now, even though it's only 4pm (it's 5pm somewhere, so goes the cliche), I am sipping a Samurai, by Great Divide.  D needed a beer to  and de-glaze the snossage, so I gladly volunteered my services and agreed to drink the rest of the beer. Yes, you say, it's blashphemy to use a good beer for cooking!  Nay!  We don't keep anything less than greatness in the house, so what choice do we have?!?!?

It's an unfiltered rice ale, which GD says is "an easy drinking ale . . . The addition of rice gives (it) a slightly fruity, crisp, refreshing and clean taste." I agree. It is a light golden yellow, similar to PBR, with almost no head.  It's got lemon to the nose, maybe a little vinegar.  Tastes slightly lemony, fresh, moderate carbonation.  Similar to, but more complex than, a PBR. Decent, drinkable, good on a hot summer day, although today is cool and cloudy.

ABV 5.1-5.5 %, very little bitterness.
Date consumed: June 16th, 2012 (late blog).

Bestill your heart.

The color is jet black, and it's opaque, with a dark tan head. Thick creamy head with good retention. Aroma has coffee, booze, chocolate. Bitter, somewhat metallic, very malty.

Never imagine yourself not to be otherwise than what it might appear to others that what you were or might have been was not otherwise than what you had been would have appeared to them to be otherwise.

Stone Smoked Porter

Stone Smoked Porter

Amber and dark brown, very thin tan head with little retention, and little carbonation. Very smoky with tobacco flavors, light to medium bodied. COR: 95%, it's nice and cheap ($5.00 at Smack-it Basket).

Consumed April or May 2012, late blog

Dogfish head chicory Stout

Dogfish Head chicory stout is a "rich dark brew with a touch of roasted chicory and organic Mexican coffee. Goodness beneath a bone white head". I found it to have a thin white  head, with an extra earthy smell, as though it had been pulled right out of the ground. It tasted very roasted, malty, smoky, with more than just hints of coffee. It had a thin tan head with little retention.  It was not terribly creamy, and had a zing of carbonation up front followed by an oddly pleasant flatness. Quitel\ tasty, COR 90% diesel 30.

Consumed April 2012, late blog.

Pepe Nero

Pepe Nero by Goose Island: it pours dark brown with amber tones, a nice thick creamy head with good retention, maple on the nose.  It tastes creamy, malty, and is well-rounded with moderate carbonation.  Supposedly there is a peppery spice to it and I think I detected it at the very very end - I felt in my throat more than in my mouth.  There are hints of eggs and smokiness , dark brown sugar; there's very little bitterness, ok, maybe none.  It tastes like a high gravity beer, but it's only 6% alcohol by volume. Chance of repurchase 95%, if I can find it. Diesel score 45. Delicious.

Consumed: April 2012 (late blog).

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Going to try something new today. Exercize!

6/14/2012: I am going to get off my lazy fanny and go for a run today.  Why?  Probably so I can drink the beer and not feel too guilty about it.  I figured, "if writing a beer blog makes me want to drink more beer, then surely, writing about running (or ellipticizing) will make me want to run more."  We shall see.  So today, D and I will pack up Beer Baby and go for a short run (read: hobble).  Sadly, we should probably lay off the beer tonight, since we drank at least four tacos worth of Guinness each last night in celebration of the end of work (for-ever-ER) for Beer Grandpa.